
Step 11

11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understand God, praying only for knowledge of God's will for us and the power to carry it out. 

I chaired tonights meeting. I didn't feel like I did a really good job of bringing the program, but I just don't know a lot about step 11. I just read out of "Discovering Choices" and talked a tiny bit about the fact that the step says: improve our conscious contact with God... Pointing out that those words imply that it is an active choice on our part- not just an ethereal feeling that God is around, but an actual purposeful choice on our part to take time to listen to Him... 

It was a good group. But B was there, and that was fairly awkward. I was super friendly, as thought we were just as much friends as any other person in the room. He broke his foot. The first thing I asked was, "Did you crash your bike!? Tell me you did not crash your bike." .. He said no, it was a bad sky diving landing. Good lord.... The whole time we were there, I was reminded why I don't care for him. He has great things to say and seems very insightful, but as an individual, outside the rooms, I don't see him carrying through with anything he says. He is a player, and not a very good one. He interrupts people, and only talks about himself. And he clipped his fingernails during the business meeting. I just thought that was odd... 

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