
Beautiful Act

I saw the most beautiful thing today...

A man in a meeting talked about what he was going through. Losing his wife, watching her killing herself slowly, the pain and guilt he has- watching his daughter torn apart by it all... He was overcome with grief and wept openly in front of everyone...

After he was done, the next woman spoke. She said that she knew how he felt, and went on to talk about how her cat was dying. She went on and on about her cat being ill- as though that could possibly compare to this man's entire life falling apart. She started crying and could hardly keep talking... I was sitting across the room, and just as I was beginning to think that he must be offended by her comparing her cat to his life, he did the most amazing thing. He reached out and took her hand, and held it while she cried. He sat there, still crying, comforting a woman who was going on about her cat while his life was in ruins. He didn't judge her for being so sad about something so small, compared to other people's problems. He understood that she was in pain, too. And he sat there and held her hand, and they cried together.

It made me cry, and I still cry now, remembering it.

It was one of the simplest, kindest, most beautiful acts I have ever seen. 

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