

I hate Halloween. I never really cared for it as a child. We celebrated it- Mom made us awesome costumes and we trick-or-treated. But it was probably my least favorite holiday. I don't like being scared. I don't like surprises, or things jumping out at me. Some people love that, I understand. But I don't. 

As an adult, Halloween became a bad memory- for a number of reasons- and I started outright disliking it. 

Then, after so many years, I fell in love with someone who loved it. Truly and dearly loved the holiday. It was hard not to get into it when you saw how happy it made him. His father had loved it and it had been a big deal at his house. I started to think that I could get used to celebrating it again. Even looking forward to it. 

Now he's gone, and I have yet another reason to hate Halloween. There are only sad memories and bad thoughts about this day. I did my best, and I had a good time. 

But I am so glad it is over. 

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